Pregnancy Care

First Trimester Screen
Second Trimester Screen
Third Trimester Screen
Postnatal Care

01  First Trimester Screen

A common concern of parents-to-be is whether the unborn child is affected by chromosomal or birth defects. Birth defects occur in around 3% of babies and chromosomal defects are present in 0.5% of pregnancies. The chance of a pregnancy carrying certain types of chromosomal or genetic defects can be assessed as early as the first trimester. Current options include First trimester screening (FTS, also known as One-Stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk, OSCAR) test. This is a non-invasive test, comprising of a maternal blood test and a fetal scan. The resulting risk score will allow the parents-to-be and the obstetrician to plan ahead for the outcome of the pregnancy. All expectant mothers are encouraged to have the test done, regardless of age.

Non-invasive pre-natal testing (NIPT) is also a non-invasive blood test, looking at cell-free fetal DNA in the maternal blood. It is usually recommended if the OSCAR is of intermediate or high risk, and can be done from 10 weeks of gestation.

02  Second Trimester Screen

As the pregnancy advances, a fetal anomaly ultrasound scan can be performed in the second trimester to check for structural defects within the baby, as well as markers of chromosomal problems. This is routinely performed between 18 to 22 weeks of gestation, to allow time for decision making and intervention. A fetal anomaly scan can detect up to 80-90% of significant structural abnormalities and also looks at baby’s growth, placenta position and cervical status.

Universal screening for gestational diabetes is also done at 24-28 weeks’ gestation.

03  Third Trimester Screen

In the third trimester, the focus shifts towards the baby’s growth and planning for delivery. A growth scan in the third trimester will allow us to pick up babies with growth problems. This will allow parents-to-be and their obstetrician to plan for further monitoring and delivery (both timing and mode of delivery).

04  Delivery

Most mothers undergo a vaginal delivery, while some will have a caesarean section planned during the antenatal period due to medical conditions such as low-lying placenta, breech presentation, etc. Others may attempt a vaginal delivery, but eventually require a caesarean section when labour does not progress or complications arise during labour. In selected cases, assisted delivery (forceps or vacuum assisted delivery) may be performed when deemed appropriate by the obstetrician.

Our obstetricians will support and guide pregnant mothers to make safe and appropriate plans for their deliveries.

05  Postnatal Care

After delivery, the mother’s body undergoes dramatic changes to return to pre-pregnancy state. She also has to deal with healing of delivery wounds, breastfeeding, care of the newborn, as well as the swinging hormone levels. The postnatal check-ups will allow the obstetrician to assess the physical, mental and emotional state of the new mother and offer assistance to those in need. Routine gynaecology screening and contraception options will also be discussed.