Author: stog_admin
What You Should Know About Social Egg Freezing
What is Social Egg Freezing? Social Egg Freezing is a medical treatment for well women who wish to harvest some of her existing eggs to be frozen (in liquid nitrogen), as a form of fertility preservation. This utilises current knowledge and technology of assisted reproduction techniques (used in IVF), to stimulate, mature and harvest eggs…
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is one of the techniques available to help couples with fertility issues have a baby. Not all couples will need IVF to have a baby, and there could be many reasons why IVF may be a suitable option. Some of these include: Difficulty in conceiving for at least 2 years, with no…
In general, a young and healthy couple may try naturally for 1-2 years before consulting a fertility specialist for review. However, the older woman (above 37 years) or those with symptoms suggestive of disorders of the reproductive system, should seek help earlier. Significant symptoms include irregular menstrual cycles, painful menstruation, painful intercourse, painful defecation or…
The inner lining of the womb contains glands and are responsible for the monthly menstrual bleed in pre-menopausal women. Sometimes, endometrial polyps can arise from this lining, taking the shape of a small grape, located within the cavity of the womb. The size of polyps may vary from a few millimetres, up to a few…
Ovarian Cysts
Ovaries are reproductive structures in the female pelvis, which release eggs in monthly menstrual cycles for fertilization by sperm. The ovaries are also important for their role in producing female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) before menopause sets in. Ovarian cysts are commonly found in women of the reproductive age group. They are liquid-filled structures within…
Fibroids are tumours originating from the muscle wall of the womb and are mostly benign in nature. Cancerous fibroids are very rare. They are very common in women and depending on their number, size and location, they may cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, urinary and bowel symptoms. Some fibroids may cause no symptoms at all.…
Endometriosis is a common condition suffered by many women in the reproductive age group. The cause of this condition is still unknown, although many theories have been considered. The most popular theory is that of retrograde menstruation, where menstrual blood “leaks backwards” from the womb into the pelvis, instead of the leaving the body via…
IUI Interview on Instagram
9 Facts Every Woman Should Know About Her Fertility
Women don’t usually give much thought to their fertility, unless they are dealing with a health condition linked to their menstrual cycle. Yet, when she is trying to conceive, she might suddenly realise that falling pregnant isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Indeed, many woman have preconceived notions regarding their fertility, even though numerous factors…
Postpartum Bleeding: Do You Need to Worry?
Still getting the “red tide” after giving birth? Find out what is normal and what isn’t! You’ve experienced some 40 weeks of pregnancy, been through labour, and you’re now holding your precious little one in your arms. Seems as if the worst is over, right? Besides the lack of sleep, breastfeeding woes, endless diaper changes…